Amended Return


Categories: Tax

Embrace the pain of taxes. Be right. Be accurate. Disclose everything. But should something have been, um, omitted...., there is still an option: just file an amended return.

Like when you're telling your significant other about your trip to Las Vegas, and suddenly arms cross and eyes harden. You realize your story isn't going well. At that point, the reality TV shows have the main characters go ahead and file an amended story.

Basically, if you filed a tax return with the IRS (or with state authorities) and notice later that some error crept in, the way to correct the error involves filing an amended return. This lets the tax people know the new information. You'll still have to pay any difference in the amount of tax you owe. But it's better than letting the tax people find it on their own. That tends to make them very, very mad. Like when your significant other learns about your trip to Vegas from someone else.

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Finance: What are Payroll Deductions?13 Views


Finance a la shmoop. What are payroll deductions? All right for your pay you


get a roll of bills but some of them go back to mama corporation who then gives [Money is given to the person]


them back to mama government more or less. That is there's


money that is deducted from your payroll before you can get your hot little hands [Deductions highlighted on a payslip]


on it. Why? Well everyone who makes more than a very small amount of money pays


taxes and just so that you don't quote forget unquote to pay those taxes at the [Guy stood in front of a vault]


end of the year well the government has set up corporations with the great [Skyscrapers in a city]


pleasure of collecting your taxes from you in small pieces all along the way of [Woman looking at bills and sighing]


your grueling grinding year of work. Well most people get paid twice a month or


twenty four times a year and most people know roughly what they'll make that year [Pay dates shown on a calendar]


and yes there are variable bonuses or commissions and company profit sharing [Woman sat at her desk thinking about her salary]


plans and sometimes the conversion of stock options into cash if you're lucky


and so on but all of those are adjustments that can pretty easily be


made on the fly when it comes to payroll deductions so if you are to pay say 24 [Breifcase full of cash]


grand in taxes in a year within say 80 grand or so of earnings well then mama


corporation will gently deduct a grand from your paycheck each pay period each


of those 24 periods so that at the end of the year well you've already paid [Pay deductions shown month by month]


almost all of your taxes and this is a good idea as so many people simply [Thumbs up]


aren't disciplined enough to save money for their tax bills and oh so many [Someone putting coins into a piggybank]


celebs have gone bankrupt trying to be um you know more clever than the IRS and


yeah good luck with that... So payroll deductions are mostly about


taxes but there are other things that get deducted from your paycheck


things like IRA contributions ie retirement or savings pension deductions [List of other taxes deducted]


that are tax deferred, deductions are taken for Social Security


you know like good luck ever getting that money back and they also include


deductions for insurance pension contributions, child support, union and


uniform dues like seriously there are deductions for uniforms and these


deductions fall into two flavors government tax deductions or mandatory ones all of [Ice cream cone with mandatory deductions written on it]


the others are quote voluntary unquote or at the behest of the employer and the [Other cone with voluntary written on it]


employee but in the realm of government payroll deductions the mandated ones


include the taxes on Medicare Social Security and federal income like you're


being taxed to pay for other people as well


but then voluntary deductions so yeah there are things like the 401k plan [List of mandatory and voluntary deductions]


supplemental insurance plans you might want child support for your angry [Two people arguing]


divorced spouse yeah and other random curveballs for expenses employees might [Woman appears with a baseball in an office]


you know encounter [The balls hits a man on the head]

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