Archer MSA


Categories: Retirement, Regulations

The first thing you should know: "MSA" stands for "medical savings account." The second thing you should know: it has to do with taxes.

In case you haven't put it together from that information, the Archer MSA allows a person (or a company) to save money for medical expenses without paying taxes on the interest earned.

Basically, an Archer MSA provides a tax-efficient way to save for health care. It was proposed by a congressman named Bill Archer, who spearheaded its creation (and eventually gave the accounts a name). The interest on the accounts accumulates without incurring taxes, much like certain retirement accounts, like IRAs. The downside is that the money has to be used for healthcare. Other uses could lead to penalties and taxes.

Now let's make up some other potential definitions of Archer MSA. In archery, it could represent a statistic for when someone tries firing multiple arrows at the same time ("Archer Multiple Shot Attempts"). In architecture, it could represent when construction companies give arch designers additional funds to use materials other than marble ("Archer Marble Substitution Allotment").

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Finance a la shmoop what is the Tax Reform Act of 1986 ah it was a simpler


time Democrats and Republicans working [Politicians jumping up and down]


together shaking hands across the aisle then sharing mistresses well the tax


reform act of 86 was the on-court - the act of 81 wherein Ronald Reagan moved to [Reagan appears]


dramatically simplify tax codes he cut taxes but somehow these cuts were to be


revenue-neutral to the taxman and go figure that one like cutting taxes would [Revenue forms cut in half]


stimulate business which it did which then generates more income which is then


taxed more something like that that's the logic anyway well a big theme of


these tax cuts was to shift the burden from individuals paying very high


marginal tax rates Thank You comrade Jimmy Carter to corporations many of [Jimmy Carter in office]


which had found loopholes so that billions of dollars were avoided in


paying taxes kind of like today's Apple and Google basing themselves in Ireland


and individuals paid with their liver and lungs in those days comrade Carter [Man holding liver at hospital desk]


had imposed a 50% plus top rate which kicked in at a relatively low dollar


level like you were wealthy if you earned more than a hundred grand a year


today's dollar adjusted Reagan brought that top rate down to 38 percent on its [Man bumps into Reagan]


way over time down to 28% and consolidated 15 different break points


in tax to being just four and yes the people at H&R Block wept they'd had it


great with the complex Carter era accounting gravy train there well a ton [Person dealing cash]


of other things were simplified and codified with the theme being that the


new IRS was gonna go after you if you didn't pay up it's like they're cutting [Woman running in woods screaming]


your fees so you better at least pay the low rates here these days on taxes yeah


and audit volumes increased dramatically why?


well since taxes were now so much easier to pay you'd better stop finding lies in


trickery and other deceitful ways to avoid paying you're legally owed


obligations luckily this tax reform act clarified and finalized resource


allocation debates as driven by taxes forever so that after 1986 while there


were no more debate about tax changes and everything from [Red siren alarm appears]


there forward for the next few hundred years won't need to change a lick oh


wait actually the opposite is happening always [Politicians boxing each other]

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