Assembly Line
"Put this together!" Yeah, that's an assembly...line. Bad script. In fact, assembly line refers to the line of assembling...stuff. Creative naming is not a part of the process.
The most famous assembly line in history was Henry Ford's 1908 foray into making humans act more like robots (they were called automatons at the time) to make the Model T car. Assembly lines involve the repeated motion of similar or identical tasks where whatever product is being made moves along a conveyer belt, or line, and people (or robots) contribute their little element to the build of the car, the cell phone, the computer, the bicycle, and the espresso machine with 4,300 pounds of pressure.
Assembly lines were proven to be able to produce product at dramatically cheaper prices with more consistent quality than its predecessor, the assembly rhomboid, where everyone did whatever they wanted to do in building whatever, à la Montessori. Peace out."
"Put this together!" Yeah, that's an assembly...line. Bad script. In fact, assembly line refers to the line of assembling...stuff. Creative naming is not a part of the process. The most famous assembly line in history was Henry Ford's 1908 foray into making humans act more like robots (they were called automatons at the time) to make the Model T car. Assembly lines involve the repeated motion of similar or identical tasks where whatever product is being made moves along a conveyor belt, or line, and people (or robots) contribute their little element to the build of the car, the cell phone, the computer, the bicycle, and the espresso machine with 4,300 pounds of pressure. Assembly lines were proven to be able to produce product at dramatically cheaper prices with more consistent quality than its predecessor, the assembly rhomboid, where everyone did whatever they wanted to do in building whatever, à la Montessori. Peace out.