Block House


A block house is a brokerage firm that focuses on handling large trades from institutions, mutual fund managers, banks, insurance companies, or pension fund managers.

Block houses usually mange transactions that involve at least 10,000 shares of stock, or $200,000 in market value. Large block house trades can cause volatility in the general stock market, so many investors like to keep a close eye on their activities.

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Finance a la shmoop what is a full-service broker? full-service


"everything" close relative of the bulge bracket remember those guys want


to trade stocks here at this full service brokerage well you got it [Clipboard appears with checklist]


how about trading some bonds yep need investment advice hoo you bet we got rap


accounts here too does it have to be good advice well it's different gonna


retire well they'll suggest Goodyear or fire stone or Michelin if they're you


know socialist and European gonna quit working and play golf all day well then [Man playing golf]


a full service broker has advice for that as well want tax planning yep


referrals to other professionals like estate planning lawyers and that kind of


stuff got a kid heading to college in a decade all right well it's time to talk


529 savings plan got a grandparent dying soon whoo time to talk IRA distributions


and charity need Warriors tickets yeah what well they're full service they just


build they'll charge you for it but they're full full something [State Warriors basketball team playing a game]

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