Montreal Exchange
Categories: Trading, International
The Montreal Stock Exchange, or the Montreal Exchange, is a derivatives exchange. The Montreal Exchange is a marketplace for futures, options, indices, currencies, and more (but not stocks or mutual funds...only derivatives on those, ya dig?).
The Montreal Exchange is (still) headquartered in Montreal (Canada, eh?). Compared to many other exchanges, the Montreal Exchange has an action-packed history. It was bombed in 1969 by the Front de liberation du Quebec, a group not-so-down with the power structures involved in the Montreal Exchange (back then, it was a stock exchange, too).
What’s more, the Montreal Exchange was the first foreign exchange supporting technical daily operations of an American exchange (the Boston Options Exchange, BOX) using the hi-tech Sola Trading platform in 2004. An injured exchange, rising from the ashes like a phoenix to lead the way in trading technology.
They just grow up so darn fast, don’t they?