Principal Shareholder


Categories: Board of Directors

The big cheese. The big kahuna. The head honcho.

There are 40 million common shares outstanding. And the biggest holder (by number of shares, not by measure of any, um, physical feature) owns 12 million of them. That’s not a majority. It’s just a big number.

So can that 12 million holder control the company? Does she? Well, likely yes, even though it’s not a majority. Why? Well, in most companies only a fraction of all the total shares even bother to vote. Kind of like our political system, sadly. So if only a third vote...well, a third of 40 million is 12-ish million, and you’re done already. Say it’s a third of the remaining 28 million shares, or about 9 million actually vote. Well, again the 12 million holder controls. And remember that it’s likely that a lot of those other shareholders will side with whoever the principal shareholder is, presuming that they’re relatively smart, had a lot to do with the company’s success, and will care a lot about the economics of the company going forward.

So owning even a fifth or less of a company can mean control—that’s the principal shareholder, the one who controls. And remember that it’s the common shareholders who elect the board, who hires the CEO, who basically hires everyone else. So it all rolls down the line with the head end at the Principal.

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Finance: What is Principal Trade?0 Views


Finance Allah Shmoop What is ah principal trade All right


People think the broker as money manager or invest or


for their own account rather than just commission taker That


is a principle trade happens when the principal in the


trade by cell shorts leverage longs and well any other


kind of investment exposures such that they make or lose


money for their own account using their own money I'ii


they are the principles in that trade Well the extra


spiff to the brokerage in making trading happen on their


own is that the scum sucking leeches they normally be


paying commissions to on those trades are in fact yes


themselves I either just trading for themselves and yeah thumbs


up there pal Well when making this kind of trade


brokers must report it I make it known to their


trading partners or whoever they're trading with and then file


paperwork behind it The thinking being that a brokerage should


presumably have a lot more knowledge than the average schmo


Yeah this guy when they're making these trades and they


have to be highly disc close it tive that they're


actually buying or selling a given stock for their own


account when maybe they've got some stockbroker who's doing the


opposite for some unwitting client The SEC wants to know


about it If there's any you no funny business going 00:01:22.14 --> [endTime] on they're there to protect the little guy

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