Quote Stuffing
Categories: Trading, Regulations
That thing pretentious dorks do when they can summon a Shakespeare stanza or a Walt Whitman poem for any occasion. “It looks like your brakes are shot and you could use a new muffler.” “Ah yes, when troubles come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.” Yeesh...classic quote stuffing.
The term also has a meaning in finance. It refers to a trick traders can use to manipulate market prices.
You're a very active trader. Hundreds of trades a day. Much of your trading takes place on algorithmic platforms...computers executing orders at high speeds based on pre-set triggers. In order to create situations where the computers can squeeze small gains out of blips in the market, you decide you should manufacture some of those blips yourself. So...you turn to a little quote stuffing.
In this technique, you place a lot of orders for a stock...then you quickly withdraw them. You aren't making trades, just throwing a ton of quotes into the bid/ask system. It's like entering an art auction with no intention to buy...you're just raising your paddle to mess with the price.
The goal is to create those short-term blips. Your quotes mess with the very short-term pricing, but have no real long-term effect. However, your computer algorithm can jump in at high speeds to take advantage of the corrections that happen as the market recovers from your shenanigans.
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Finance: What is a Firm Deal: Commit, Qu...7 Views
Finance allah shmoop What are a firm deal Ah firm
commit and a firm quote No a lot of firms
here is by agra involved in this one No Well
okay people Yes You knew we were going to go
there We'll start with firm commit Well the whole notion
of a firm commit applies on a few fronts Like
if a lender is lending dough Well usually there is
a contractual agreement cleverly called a firm commitment letter and
it derives a firm deal like the deal will follow
that commitment And that letter specifies the amount of money
the lender is willing to lend at a given interest
rate With all the terms you know spelled out for
given time like this offer is good for thirty days
or until june first Or until the where wolf grows
What they crow Don't they Okay howl whatever In an
ai po when a bank is selling shares on behalf
of a company issuing them a firm commit gives rise
to a firm deal And it basically says that the
bank is responsible for selling any unsold shares That is
It's called a quote bought deal unquote And the bank
Either sells those aipo shares to investors or well they
buy them for their own account In a firm quote
the commitment involved usually refers to a broker dealers bid
ask spread in selling those shares like she holds a
few million shares of amazon in inventory and publishes to
her constituency that she is firm as a buyer at
eleven hundred two and twenty and a seller at eleven
hundred eight and fifty Got it sets one one zero
two point two zero in a cellar at one one
zero eight point five oh yeah that's how it would
look well if anyone matches those numbers then she is
legally obligated to sell them And just in case someone
wants to buy a good gillian shares i am or
than she carries in inventory well there's usually a limit
number attached to her offer for like i stand firm
on one hundred thousand at this price like a hundred
thousand shares and not a hundred thousand won something like
that anyway so firm think obligated confirmed contracted for legally
binding and sometimes yeah that'll give you cramps Just try 00:02:17.1 --> [endTime] prunes