Saving Private Ryan Quotes

Shmoop will make you a better lover...of quotes


Source: Saving Private Ryan

Speaker: Captain James Miller

Earn this. Earn it.


This line is spoken by Captain James Miller, played by Tom Hanks in the film Saving Private Ryan, directed by Steven Spielberg (1998).

It doesn't look good for WWII Captain James Miller. He's got a gaping hole in his chest, thanks to a German soldier he once helped out. Where's the gratitude in that? Miller has already lost five men out of his squadron sent on a special mission to save Private Ryan.

So why save this one soldier out of millions? Well, three other Ryan brothers have died. That has prompted orders from General George C. Marshall to save the only surviving Ryan son from behind enemy lines.

Well, do they save him? Spoiler alert: Miller makes the ultimate sacrifice. His dying words to Ryan are, "Earn this. Earn it." Over and out. But Miller's command is very profound. Six men died trying to save this baby-faced private, and that's a big debt to repay. Now, it's Ryan's turn to go out and live a life worthy of the heroes who rescued him. Make 'em proud, kid!

Is this movie based on a real story? Well, sort of. The movie does take a few liberties, but more importantly, it's a classic Spielberg film, and it won a whole slew of Oscars and accolades.

Where you've heard it

If you pay attention to speeches and sermons, then you most likely heard it around Memorial Day or Veteran's Day. But maybe you heard it around the football field, basketball court, or gym class from a coach or teacher. Or maybe your parents said this to you when negotiating an allowance raise: "Earn it!"

Additional Notable References

Pretentious Factor

If you were to drop this quote at a dinner party, would you get an in-unison "awww" or would everyone roll their eyes and never invite you back? Here it is, on a scale of 1-10.

This quote places you in the hero's spotlight just like Captain Miller. Just make sure you're ready to act like a captain instead of just quote one.