Girls Quotes

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Source: Girls

Speaker: Marnie Michaels

This is not one of your more convincing fake showers.


This line was spoken by Marnie Michaels (played by Allison Williams) in the episode "Sit-In" of Girls, written by Paul Simms and Max Brockman (2012- ).

After going to the Iowa Writers' Workshop and flaming out, Hannah Horvath is back in New York and ready to run back into the arms of her old flame, Adam. But, to her surprise, Adam has a new girlfriend, the successful artist Mimi-Rose. This is pretty terrifying for her, and she hides in Adam's bedroom. Only a SWAT team will be able to get her out.

When she gets a call from her ex-best friend Marnie, she turns on a faucet and pretends to be having a shower. Marnie isn't fooled, and Hannah has to tell her what's been going on with her and Adam. Hooray for a rekindled friendship, but unfortunately, Adam might love Mimi-Rose, and Hannah's out of an apartment now.

This is really rock bottom for Hannah, and she can't even fake running water properly.

Where you've heard it

You've heard this from a parent, friend, or maybe even an enemy, who you're trying to avoid by pretending to take a shower in the middle of the day. Honestly, this doesn't fool anyone.

Additional Notable References:

  • The always helpful WikiHow has a step by step guide to not being like Hannah Horvath and convincingly faking a shower.
  • Check out Marnie Michaels' attempt at a hit single. Would you take advice from that person?

Pretentious Factor

If you were to drop this quote at a dinner party, would you get an in-unison "awww" or would everyone roll their eyes and never invite you back? Here it is, on a scale of 1-10.

If someone tries to pull something as obvious as a fake shower on you, you definitely have the right to use this line.