A Raisin in the Sun George Murchison Quotes

GEORGE (Nastily)
Let’s face it, baby, your heritage is nothing but a bunch of raggedy-assed spirituals and some grass huts!
GRASS HUTS!…See there…you are standing there in your splendid ignorance talking about people who were the first to smelt iron on the face of the earth! (2.1.52-3)

Hansberry contrasts George's views on African identity with Beneatha's. This shows that there are lots of different perspectives on this issue within the black community. By giving us these sorts of complex perspectives Hansberry makes the play truly universal.

GEORGE (Exasperated; rising)
I know [you love to talk] and I don’t mind it sometimes…I want you to cut it out, see – The moody stuff, I mean. I don’t like it. You’re a nice-looking girl…all over. That’s all you need, honey, forget the atmosphere. Guys aren’t going to go for the atmosphere – they’re going to go for what they see. Be glad for that. Drop the Garbo routine. It doesn’t go with you. As for myself, I want a nice – (Groping) – simple (Thoughtfully) – sophisticated girl… not a poet – O.K.? (2.2.5)

This excerpt represents what Beneatha finds shallow in George. George's ideal for a woman is purely superficial. He doesn't really want a woman with her own personality; he just wants a girl to compliment his supreme manliness.