
Character Analysis

Tom Black

Black was the guy who helped Harry Gold get a much-needed job in a soap factory during the Great Depression. He was an avowed communist and tried really hard to convert Gold. He then used Gold's feeling of indebtedness to manipulate him into becoming a Soviet spy.

Haakon Chevalier

Chevalier was one of Oppenheimer's fellow professors at Berkeley. Oppie would occasionally attend political discussion groups hosted by Chevalier, which heavily leaned toward the communist persuasion. Once, Chevalier proposed the idea that Oppenheimer consider giving information to the Soviets, but Oppenheimer declined. This conversation unfortunately came back to haunt Oppenheimer during his persecution by Lewis Strauss after the war.

George Eltenton

A chemical engineer in the U.S. who was sympathetic to the Soviet Union, Ivanov asked Eltenton to reach out to Oppenheimer. Eltenton didn't know Oppie well enough—but he did know Haakon Chevalier. We smell a match-making opportunity.