A Game of Thrones Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around A Game of Thrones? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Sansa lied and said that she dreamt something she didn’t. What did she dream?

That summer finally ended
That Joffrey dumped her
That Joffrey took the white hart
That she became a wolf and ate Joffrey
Q. What does Tyrion make for Bran?

A saddle for a cripple
A pair of crutches
A scarecrow to keep near his bed so all those crows will stop telling him weird things in his dreams
A cake that says, “sorry my brother threw you out a building”
Q. What were Jon Arryn’s last words?

“I hate you, Eddard.”
“I believe in magic in a young girl’s heart.”
“Watch out for the dragons.”
“The seed is strong.”
Q. So…how long has it been summer?

Long enough to give the peasants awesome farmer’s tans
9 years
3 months
It’s always been summer
Q. “When you play the game of thrones…”

“you have to carry around an 800-page book for months”
“you live or you die”
“you have to sit in an uncomfortable chair made out of the skeletons of your enemies”
“you play to win”