18th and 21st Amendments Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around 18th and 21st Amendments? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What was Abraham Lincoln's point about temperance in his "Temperance Address"?

Temperance is a good goal, but shouldn't be approached in a heavy-handed manner.
Freeing the slaves is the first step toward temperance.
The Civil War can't be won with drunk generals.
Bruce Willis was dead the whole time.
Q. Frances Willard saw temperance as but one step in what larger goal?

Getting women the right to vote
Stopping the devaluation of the dollar
Apologizing for the Teapot Dome scandal
Making sure that Survivor back episodes were available on Hulu
Q. What state first successfully enacted a prohibition law?

South Carolina
Q. What was Fiorello LaGuardia's problem with Prohibition?

It was not being enforced.
It eliminated an important taxable product.
The Constitution should never be used to restrict freedoms.
His golfing buddy Al Capone was complaining about it.
Q. According to Daniel Okrent, why were drinkers less than thrilled at the repeal of Prohibition?

Now that it was legal, regulations meant that it was harder to get a drink.
Increased competition drove up the costs of premium liquors.
Gangsters found themselves unemployed and flooded into the job market.
Hipsters protested the end of bathtub gin.