Every Man a King Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Every Man a King? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who said "every seventh year there shall be a remission of debts"?

Huey Long
Alexander Hamilton, played by Lin-Manuel Miranda
Ronald Reagan
Q. What does Long mean when he says that "we have no difficult problem to solve in America"?

America is already perfect.
America needs to focus on solving problems overseas.
The problem is simple, but entrenched interests make it impossible to fix.
Problems are un-American.
Q. What does Long mean by "the same mill that grinds out the extra rich is the mill that will grind out the extra poor"?

There's a dire need for non-GMO wheat production.
The conditions that create extreme wealth also create extreme poverty.
Stick with whole beans when you're buying coffee.
Poverty is a grind.
Q. When Long says, "Centralized power in the hands of a few, with centralized credit in the hands of a few, is the trouble," what's he suggesting?

That he's a hypocrite who amassed as much power and credit in his own hands as he could
That the oligarchic nature of America in the 1930s was crippling the country
That poor people should be given credit cards
That there's nothing anyone can do about it so we might as well all just let them have all their money
Q. When Long says that "The NRA is not worth anything," what's he referring to?

The National Rifle Association
The National Recovery Act
Louisiana's "No Rich Allowed" law
The NOLA Restaurant Association