
The Lion King came out a while before the Internet was a thing, but that didn't stop fans from eventually dominating the Internet with drawings, conspiracy theories, and thousands of pages of fanfic set in the Pride Lands.

Disney's The Lion King (Unofficial) World Wide Web Archive

However much you think you like The Lion King, multiply that by 10,000, and then multiply that number by another 10,000, and you've got the people who made this website.

The Lion King World Wide Web Archive is a fandom on steroids. It's the oldest fan website of the movie, and it's got everything from fan-produced artwork and music to forums to talk about specific characters (Nalaholics Anonymous, anyone?) to chat rooms devoted to the film and each of its sequels.

Want a copy of the original The Lion King script translated into German? They've got that. Want guidelines for a Timon and Pumbaa cosplay? They've got those, too. If you're feeling really old school, you can even download a The Lion King desktop theme for Windows 98. You know you want to.

My Lion King & Lion King Source

Slightly more subdued than The Lion King World Wide Web Archive, My Lion King and Lion King Source are pretty by-the-book fansites specializing in fan art and discussion forums with movie-related facts and trivia.

If you have time, check out The Lion King Theatre on the My Lion King site. It's got behind-the-scenes footage of how the film was made, including interviews with the writers and directors.

Pride Lands

If you can read Russian, you're in luck: one of the biggest The Lion King fansites in the world was made in Russia.

It's called Pride Lands and it's got a 3D simulation of Pride Rock, among other things. Who knew Disney's influence reached this far around the world? (Disney did. Disney knows all.)