Lolita Timeline and Summary


Lolita Timeline and Summary

  • April, 1934: On the honeymoon trip of Charlotte Becker and Harold E. Haze to Veracruz, Mexico is Lolita's conception.
  • January 1,1935: Dolores Haze is born in Pisky.
  • 1945: The Hazes move from Pisky (Midwest) to Ramsdale (New England).
  • May, 1947: Humbert moves in.
  • June, 1947: Lolita goes to Camp Q.
  • August, 1947: Charlotte gets hit by a car.
  • August, 1947: Humbert comes to retrieve Lolita at Camp Q.
  • August 14, 1947: Humbert leaves Camp Q with Lolita; the pair checks in to The Enchanted Hunters hotel.
  • August 15, 1947: This is the day of the first sexual act between Humbert and Lolita; they begin their extensive travels all over the states.
  • August, 1948: One year of travels around the US ends; they arrive in Beardsley at the end of August.
  • May, 1949: Lolita is involved in The Enchanted Hunters, the school play.
  • May, 1949: Humbert and Lolita leave for their second trip around the United States.
  • June 27, 1949: Lolita becomes ill in Elphinstone and must check in to the hospital.
  • July 5, 1949: Lolita disappears from the hospital.
  • Clare Quilty takes Lolita to a dude ranch, the Duk Duk Ranch; refusing to participate in Quilty's child pornography films, Lolita is kicked out.
  • Lolita drifts for two years, working in some restaurants to get by.
  • Lolita meets her future husband, Dick.
  • September 18, 1952: Lolita writes a letter to Humbert.
  • December 25, Thursday, Christmas Day: Lolita dies in Gray Star, Alaska, "in childbed, giving birth to a stillborn child."