Converting Decimals into Fractions at a Glance

Since a decimal is an abbreviation for a fraction whose denominator is a power of 10, we already know how to do this. We don't even have to dig deep to recall the process. We can dig pretty shallow.

Start with a decimal. For example: 0.456. The number to the right of the decimal point is the numerator of the fraction:

The denominator is the power of 10 with as many zeros as there were decimal places:

Finally, simplify the fraction to tidy things up:

Now, you have a choice when it comes to expressing yourself. You can either say you played video games for 0.456 of the day, or that you played video games for 57/125 of the day. Either about you go outside and toss a football around for a bit? It's such a nice day.

Example 1

Convert 0.055 to a fraction.

Example 2

Convert 3.2 to a fraction.

Exercise 1

Convert 0.889 to a fraction.

Exercise 2

Convert 0.75 to a fraction.

Exercise 3

Convert 0.2 to a fraction.

Exercise 4

Convert 4.5 to a fraction.

Exercise 5

Convert 0.33 to a fraction.

Exercise 6

Convert 0.0002 to a fraction.