Carrie Meeber Timeline and Summary


Carrie Meeber Timeline and Summary

  • Carrie meets Drouet on a train bound for Chicago where she'll be staying with her big sis Minnie.
  • Carrie arrives in Chicago and meets Minnie.
  • Carrie gets to Minnie's apartment where we're introduced to Minnie's husband, Sven, and their baby.
  • Carrie goes out to look for work. After many rejections, she's hired to work at a shoe factory.
  • Carrie begs Minnie to convince Sven to let them all have a theater outing, but he refuses.
  • Carrie has a pretty wretched time working at the shoe factory.
  • Shortly after starting her new job, Carrie gets sick and loses the job.
  • Carrie returns to job hunting and runs into Drouet who takes her to lunch and slips her twenty bucks.
  • Drouet offers to pay for Carrie to rent her own room so she won't have to live with boring old Minnie and Sven.
  • Carrie takes him up on the offer and leaves Minnie's apartment to move into her own place.
  • Carrie and Drouet begin living together.
  • Drouet introduces Carrie to the rich and captivating Hurstwood. Carrie is smitten.
  • Drouet, Hurstwood, and Carrie all go to the theater where Carrie and Hurstwood flirt up a storm.
  • Hurstwood drops by the apartment to see Carrie while Drouet is away on a business trip and their relationship deepens.
  • Hurstwood and Carrie go for a ride together and they end up kissing.
  • Drouet, Hurstwood, and Carrie all go out to see another play—Hurstwood and Carrie try to play it cool so Drouet won't catch on to their affair.
  • Carrie and Hurstwood hang out in the park and discuss their future plans to be together.
  • Drouet asks Carrie if she wants to be in a play that his Elk Lodge is putting on; she enthusiastically agrees to do it.
  • Carrie's acting debut is rocky at first, but she eventually manages to pull off the role, which she plays to wild acclaim.
  • Carrie meets Hurstwood in secret again to discuss their plans to run away together.
  • Drouet discovers the affair and tells Carrie that Hurstwood is married.
  • She and Drouet break up and he moves out.
  • Carrie writes to Hurstwood and tells him to leave her alone.
  • Hurstwood lies to Carrie and tells her Drouet's been in an accident and she needs to come with him on a train.
  • Carrie soon discovers Hurstwood's lie about Drouet, but Hurstwood manages to convince her to stay on the train to Canada anyway.
  • Carrie and Hurstwood get married in Canada.
  • Carrie and Hurstwood take the train to New York where they get hooked up with an apartment.
  • Carrie starts to become miserable as their financial situation goes downhill.
  • Carrie goes to the theater with her rich neighbor, Mrs. Vance.
  • Carrie goes out to dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Vance, and Mrs. Vance's cousin Ames.
  • More financial woes force Carrie and Hurstwood move to a smaller apartment.
  • Carrie tries to find any acting part she can so she can make some money.
  • Carrie lands a part as a Chorus Girl.
  • Carrie meets Lola, another Chorus Girl, and they become buds.
  • Carrie moves out of the apartment she shares with Hurstwood and moves in with Lola.
  • Carrie sees herself in the theatrical papers.
  • Carrie gets a better role in the latest play.
  • Carrie and Lola move into a fancy hotel.
  • Drouet stops by to see Carrie, and they go out to dinner.
  • Hurstwood goes to the theater to ask Carrie for money.
  • Carrie goes to London when the show she's starring in gets transferred there.
  • Carrie returns to New York and hangs out at the theater with Mrs. Vance and Ames again.
  • Carrie curls up in her rocking chair, sad and lonely.