The Dark Knight Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Dark Knight? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is the Scarecrow doing when Batman takes him down?

Releasing the Joker
Plotting revenge on Batman
Inducing vigilantes to fight the Batman
Selling his fear-inducing compound as a drug
Q. How does the Joker divert the police caravan to Lower 5th Avenue?

Hacking their GPS.
Blocking the road with a fire truck that's on fire.
Replacing the lead vehicle with a decoy.
Blowing up the Batmobile.
Q. Why doesn't Rachel get rescued?

The Joker listed her location as Harvey's.
Batman thinks Harvey's more important than Rachel.
The Bat-Pod isn't fast enough.
Gordon sends too many people to guard the Joker.
Q. What does the Joker threaten to do if someone doesn't kill Coleman Reese in 60 minutes?

Scar Harvey Dent
Reveal Batman's identity
Blow up a hospital
Blow up a police station
Q. How does Batman break free of the Joker after the ferries fail to blow up?

Blades spring from his gauntlet.
He physically overpowers him.
Gordon rescues him.
Two-Face accidentally diverts the Joker.