The Witch of Blackbird Pond Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory

Kit’s Dresses

My, oh, my is Kit Tyler a clothes horse. When she arrives at the Wood family house in Wethersfield she has not one, not two, but seven trunks full of clothing. Shocking! Everyone in the house comme...

The Meadows

As an orphan, Kit is on a journey to find a new home, and the Great Meadows represent that place for her. The Meadows are the one place that Kit feels like she belongs in Wethersfield:As they came...

The Tropical Flower

As a teenager, Kit is searching for her true identity. How will she come to define herself in relation to the society in which she lives? One of the metaphors the novel offers us to think about Kit...


The novel offers us many metaphors for thinking about Kit’s identity. While Hannah tells us the story of the little flower that could, Nat compares Kit to a tropical bird he once wanted to bring...

Hannah’s Branded Forehead

Like many Quakers in colonial America, Hannah Tupper and her husband Thomas were branded on their foreheads because of their faith. The brand is an outward symbol of the Tupper’s outcast status....

William Ashby’s House

If The Witch of Blackbird Pond is a novel about the search from home, then William Ashby’s house is one of the possible homes that the novel offers to Kit. The house that William Ashby is ever bu...

Kit’s Dream

Scholarly tip: Dreams are almost always important in novels. Anytime a character has one – and the author takes the time to write it down – you should sit up and take note. According to Freud ,...