World War II Trivia
Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge
The number of Americans killed during World War II was approximately:
- 4 times the number of Americans killed during World War I
- 7 times the number of Americans killed during the Vietnam War
- 100 times the number of Americans killed during the American Revolution
- one-fourth the number of Americans killed during the American Civil War.27
Number of African Americans registered for the armed forces during World War II: 1,056,841
- Serving in the Army: 885,945 (10.9% of total servicemen inducted into the Army)
- Serving in the Navy: 153,224 (10% of total)
- Serving in the Marine Corps: 16,005 (8.5% of total)
- Serving in the Coast Guard: 1,667 (10.9% of total)30
Estimated number of African Americans serving on the warfront during World War II: 631,000
Estimated number of African-American soldiers who remained in the United States during the war: 425,00031
In 2002, estimated number of World War II veterans living
- in California: 475,000
- in Florida: 439,000
- in New York: 284,000
- in Pennsylvania: 280,000
- in Texas: 267,000
- in Ohio: 208,00028
The estimated number of American women living in 2002 who were veterans of World War II: 210,000
Number of American women World War II veterans living in 2002 as a percentage of all veterans: 4.4%29