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SAT Reading: Recognizing the Rhetorical Impact of Figurative Language 1 Views
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Fake guards abusing fake prisoners in a fake jail. What could go wrong in this SAT Reading video?
- 00:02
alright just a couple more to see whether you can read or not rego as if
- 00:06
using the lines 1991 gone off the rails most likely means that does it what all [text on screen]
- 00:11
right well the correct answer here's got to be see fake guards abusing fake [happy prisoner and guard]
- 00:15
prisoners in a fake jail what could possibly go wrong yeah everything
- 00:20
apparently the use of figurative language refers to trains on train [tiny train]
Full Transcript
- 00:23
tracks if a train goes off the rails it's no longer following the specified
- 00:27
path that it's supposed to that it promised to when it put itself on there [train wreck]
- 00:32
I think I can I think I can right it's out of predicted control in this
- 00:35
situation like a derailed train got out of hand and presented a danger to all [text on screen]
- 00:40
the same paragraph indicates that the extreme behavior was unexpected yeah so
- 00:44
well you can get rid of that though it's just throwing in their confusion the [writing on chalkboard]
- 00:47
problem that ultimately shuts things down is an ethical one not an issue of
- 00:51
reliability so get rid of be there and the experiment obviously did encourage
- 00:55
questionable behavior but the term gone off the rails connotes more a lack of
- 01:00
control than surprised
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