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The publication of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's Children's and Household Tales two hundred years ago sparked enormous interest in traditional stories...
Robert Fludd was a respected English physician of the 1600s who worked for King James I of England. He wrote widely on topics that ranged from magi...
For the first time in 1919, the Senate rejected a peace treaty. By a vote of 39 to 55, far short of the required two-thirds majority, the Senate de...
Upon reaching the New World, Christopher Columbus was one of the first Europeans to encounter the fruits of the Capsicum species, calling them "pep...
In 1734, François-Marie Arouet, better known by his pen name Voltaire, fled Paris to the region of Champagne, trading the sophisticated capital fo...
The United States destroyed its six-ton stock of confiscated elephant ivory, sending a clear message that the nation will not tolerate the wildlife...
An earth-sheltered house is built below grade or completely underground. These homes are less susceptible to the impact of extreme outdoor air temp...
Most people experience occasional dizziness, but if the feeling persists or interferes with daily life, it could be a sign of a balance disorder. A...
The social sciences have entered the age of data by utilizing the many sources of written language that social media offers. Through social media s...
No disease in history has destroyed more lives than the "speckled monster," smallpox. Traditionally, the only way to prevent smallpox was inoculati...