
Average Salary: $94,350

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $3,939,000

If you only get a bachelor's degree, around $90,000-$100,000 is about as much as you can hope for money-wise (source). (That's not right out of the gate—it's probably closer to $50,000 to start. Don't worry, you'll work your way up.)

You should be able to find a lot of lawyers who are making less than that, even after attending three years of laugh school. Er, law school. And, when you do find them, you'll probably take great pleasure in rubbing that fact in their faces.

We'd keep away from this face though, if we were you.

If you've gone and acquired a PhD, you can plan instead on making around $70,000-$80,000 to start and up to $150,000 if you spend some time climbing the ladder (source). Maybe even more than that if you have an extension ladder.