Bell Curve

Bell Curve


High School Math Teacher. Salary: $50,000 or less

Having received your bachelor's degree, you decide to take some time off from your own schooling to teach some young, impressionable minds. On day one, some of your new students superglue all of your drawers shut. On day two, you start filling out graduate school applications.


Entry-level Researcher. Salary: $75,000

Graduate degree in hand, you begin your career at a robotics research and engineering laboratory. Your friends ask you what you do. You try to tell them, but can't stop giggling with delight.


Lead Researcher. Salary: $100,000

You've proven yourself time and time again, and now the grant money is being addressed directly to you. The team looks to you for guidance and support, and you look to them to make you look good. Breakthroughs help everybody, but they definitely help you.


College Professor. Salary: $125,000

You've finally gotten your doctorate, and celebrate never having to take classes again by taking a full-time position at school. Most people on campus refer to you as "Doctor," but those who know you best get to call you "Doc." No superglued drawers in this new job.


World-Changing Mathematician. Salary $200,000+

Congratulations: You solved the unsolvable mysteries of life, the universe, and everything. The world is now a better, more understood place because of your achievements. Unfortunately, you still haven't solved your nose hair problem.