Bell Curve

Bell Curve


You're an associate for an established business and work under a good mentor. You keep your eyes on the prize: new business. You'll make almost $50,000, but the freedom from student loans and complex medical issues gives you more than meets the eye.


You join a corporate practice. You'll earn more and have better profit margins, but you're also looking at longer hours and higher turnover.


You try "cold starting" a private practice. From there, you can focus on being a doctor or growing the business with your leadership and management skills. You can hire people who share your vision and you'll have freedom to travel and do charitable work.


You go back to school and start teaching or and doing research so that you can get your MBA and/or develop a new software, resources, or training methods to help build businesses once you've maxed out your client base. Have you considered going into the prescription swim goggles business? Michael Phelps would pay dearly to keep his eyes from looking bloodshot.


You've reached the bottom of the eye chart and the top of your game. The fine print says you're making over $165,000. You've seen it all and you're ready to give back. On the side, your Eyeball Replacement Kit has become this season's hot new accessory and your next endeavor to put eyes in the back of teachers' heads is gaining traction (working name, SuperPupils). Go play golf, your royalties are on their way.