20-Year Prospect

20-Year Prospect

They have a clothing store. A clothing store. We love you, McDonald's, but no. (Source)

News flash: Solar energy is growing in popularity, mostly in the western United States. Since solar energy has nowhere to go but up, you can count on this job lasting longer than your high school job at the local McDonalds.

In fact, the solar energy world has a lot of room for expansion, so in twenty years you could be doing some really important work. Like converting entire towns to solar energy. Or building a solar-powered car.

For real, though—solar energy engineers may have hit a hard time for a while, but by 2018 there are expected to be 55,790 new jobs available for solar energy engineers (source). And by 2020, solar energy is expected to be a part of the big leap toward clean energy sources (source). We're looking forward to a pretty big boom in solar energy, if all goes according to plan.