Physical Danger
If you re-read the previous section about stress, and if you've read a newspaper or listened to or seen a news story in the past forty years, you'll know that stress can be a killer. Chest pains, indigestion, weight gain and loss, sleep disruption, and decreased immunity are just a few of the maladies that can come from severe stress on the mind or body.
Be sure to take time to de-stress, whether it's at the gym, or through acupuncture, meditation, spending time with loved ones, or whatever it is that sets you right.
Although your job may entail minute-by-minute updates, and in this digital world your mobile device can do just about everything—Skype calls, texting, online conferencing—be sure to pull over if you're driving to do these things. It's not worth the risk you're taking on your own life as well as those in their vehicles around you. That may sound preachy, but sometimes you may find yourself pushed to the limit.
Some things are worth more than the deal.