A Raisin in the Sun Joseph Asagai Quotes

Joseph Asagai

Quote 4

…You came up to me and you said… "Mr. Asagai – I want very much to talk with you. About Africa. You see, Mr. Asagai, I am looking for my identity!" (He laughs) (1.2.98)

Asagai playfully teases Beneatha about her green but earnest wish to learn more about African culture. A few years after the play was produced many blacks in America became very interested in exploring their African roots. In a way, the character of Beneatha can be seen as a precursor to this movement in African-American culture.

Nigeria. Home. (Coming to her with genuine romantic flippancy) I will show you our mountains and our stars; and give you cool drinks from gourds and teach you the old songs and the ways of our people – and, in time, we will pretend that – (Very softly) – you have only been away for a day. Say that you’ll come (He swings her around and takes her in his arms in a kiss which proceeds in passion) (3.155)

Asagai wants Beneatha to return to the place he considers home for all black people. He says that eventually it will be like she was always there. What do you think about this? How easy would it be for Beneatha, an American born and raised, to integrate into Nigerian society?

ASAGAI (Coming into the room)
You look disturbed too…Is something wrong?
BENEATHA (Still at the door, absently)
Yes…we’ve all got acute ghetto-it is. (She smiles and comes toward him, finding a cigarette and sitting) (1.2.74-5)

The Younger family's dissatisfaction with their surroundings ripples into other parts of their lives.