A Raisin in the Sun Ruth Younger Quotes

Ruth Younger

Quote 7

They said Saturday and this is just Friday and I hopes to God you ain’t going to get up here first thing this morning and start talking to me ‘bout no money – ‘cause I ‘bout don’t want to hear it. (1.1.5)

The ten thousand dollars is the first thing on everyone's mind because they are so accustomed to being worried about having enough money. Like many Americans the Youngers have had to struggle to make ends meet.

Well, I ain’t got no fifty cents this morning…I don’t care what teacher say. I ain’t got it. Eat your breakfast, Travis. (1.1.28)

The Younger family is so poverty-stricken that Ruth must deny her child money required for class. She's really short with Travis about this. We wonder if her snippiness belies a sense of shame.

RUTH (Looks at him, then warms; teasing, but tenderly) Fifty cents? (She goes to her bag and gets money)
Here – take a taxi! (1.1.139)

Walter gave Travis his last fifty cents, forcing him to ask Ruth for money to go to work. This moment reveals a lot about Walter. For one, he's ashamed of his poverty and tries to hide it from his son even when it's totally impractical to do so. Ruth's character is also highlighted in this moment. Here, we see the kindness she shows Walter. She gives him the money even though he's totally undermined her in front of their son.