All My Sons Resources


National Endowment for the Humanities

Lots of content about Miller, including a lecture and an interview, excerpts from plays, and a bibliography.

American Masters: Arthur Miller

A PBS website with bio and timeline for Miller. There's also an interesting lesson on his relationship with Elia Kazan, who, unlike Miller, named names during the McCarthy Era.

Movie or TV Productions

All My Sons, 1948

Check out the first film adaptation of this play. Burt Lancaster stars at Chris Keller.

All My Sons, 1986 (for TV)

Nearly forty years later, a version was made for television too.

Historical Documents

"The Play in Review"

The New York Times review of 1947 production, directed by Elia Kazan. [PDF]

"Oedipus & Company"

The New York Times review of the 2008 Broadway revival, directed by Simon McBurney.

"Tragedy of the Common Man"

Here's Miller's famous essay, in which describes his theory of modern tragedy.

"On Politics and the Art of Acting"

Text of Miller's 2001 Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities.


Arthur Miller

The playwright himself, some time in middle age.

Broadway Stars

Katie Holmes and John Lithgow in All My Sons on Broadway, in 2008.

On Broadway

Photos from All My Sons in 2008.