American Born Chinese Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #4


Chin-Kee goes with Danny to school, which basically means that Danny has to put up with all sorts of embarrassing behavior, like Chin-Kee acting like a know-it-all in every class or Chin-Kee peeing into Steve the jock's Coke. But why is Chin-Kee really embarrassing? It's the way he looks in his Fu Manchu outfit, with his buckteeth and slanted eyes. It's also the way he sounds—Chinese. Chin-Kee's body is already a form of betrayal to Danny because Chin-Kee shows where Danny's roots are. That said, what loyalties is Danny supposed to have toward a cousin like Chin-Kee?

Quote #5


Okay this part sort of puzzles us. Steve the jock is trying to reassure Danny that Oliphant High isn't like other high schools and that people are actually really nice. Then he offers to buy Danny a Coke (a nice gesture, right?), but instead of taking Steve up on the offer, Danny gets all defensive and says to Steve "'What, so I can pee in it?'" Then he walks off while Steve is barfing. So… what's up with Danny? Why is he mean to Steve when Steve is nice to him?

Quote #6


This section is all about Wong Lai-Tsao's absolute devotion and loyalty to Tze-Yo-Tzuh. A demon spears him and puts him on a roasting pit, but Wong Lai-Tsao is totally chill and focused on the mission of convincing Monkey to free himself so that he can become Wong Lai-Tsao's disciple. Now that's some willpower.