Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #4

"But, mama, she’ll beat me, beat me for nothing," I said. "I’m not going to let her beat me; I don’t care what happens!" (1.4.85)

Richard is totally serious about this. There may be a lot about his life that he can’t control, but he can sure control his aunt—as long as he’s got a knife in his hand.

Quote #5

I spent my time playing with the boys and found that the only games they knew were brutal ones. Baseball, marbles, boxing, running were tabooed recreations, the Devil’s work; instead they played a wildcat game called popping-the-whip, a seemingly innocent diversion whose excitement came only in spurts, but spurts that could hurl one to the edge of death itself. (1.4.101)

Seriously, what is up with this school? For a religious place, it certainly isn’t peaceful. Also, doesn’t everyone love baseball?

Quote #6

There were more violent quarrels in our deeply religious home than in the home of a gangster, a burglar, or a prostitute, a fact which I used to hint gently to Granny and which did my cause no good. Granny bore the standard for God, but she was always fighting. The peace that passes understanding never dwelt with us. (1.5.169)

Richard’s grandma is more like a drill sergeant, or a tank, than a sweet old granny. Get in her way and she’s takin’ you down.