Brave New World Mustapha Mond Quotes

Mustapha Mond

Quote 10

"The Nine Years' War, the great Economic Collapse. There was a choice between World Control and destruction. Between stability and…"


"Liberalism, of course, was dead of anthrax, but all the same you couldn't do things by force."


"Government's an affair of sitting, not hitting. You rule with the brains and the buttocks, never with the fists." (3.164-170)

Mustapha draws a line between violence and non-physical control, but is there really a difference? He argues that one is more effective, but is one more acceptable than the other?

Mustapha Mond shook hands with all three of them; but it was to the Savage that he addressed himself. "So you don't much like civilization, Mr. Savage," he said.

The Savage looked at him. He had been prepared to lie, to bluster, to remain sullenly unresponsive; but, reassured by the good-humoured intelligence of the Controller's face, he decided to tell the truth, straightforwardly. "No." He shook his head. (16.6-7)

It is a testament to John's self-control that he doesn't lie to Mustapha, but it also speaks to Mustapha's use of his own power over others. Mustapha makes it clear, right from the start, that his only desire is to speak calmly.

Mustapha Mond

Quote 12

"But how useful! I see you don't like our Bokanovsky Groups; but, I assure you, they're the foundation on which everything else is built. They're the gyroscope that stabilizes the rocket plane of state on its unswerving course." The deep voice thrillingly vibrated; the gesticulating hand implied all space and the onrush of the irresistible machine. Mustapha Mond's oratory was almost up to synthetic standards. (16.39)

At this moment, Mustapha's voice is likened to that of a machinebut that is because he is simply regurgitating the mechanical theories of the World State. Later, in his conversation alone with John, Mustapha becomes more human in his message.