Meet the Cast
Captain John Yossarian
When we think of World War II, we have to admit that we always imagine life in black and white. Think about it—most of our images of the war (with the exception of Saving Private Ryan or Inglorio...
Colonel Cathcart
Colonel Cathcart's greatest flaw is his indecisiveness. He has a serious lack of sound judgment and is never confident about anything. His decisions are either irrational or made by someone else (i...
The Chaplain
The chaplain is one of the few purely good characters in the novel. Although he has doubts, he adheres staunchly to his faith. He loves his absent family so fiercely that he considers them helpless...
Milo Minderbinder
Milo's defining characteristic is his greed. Though he has a talent for business and keeping meticulous track of multiple shipments simultaneously, he abuses his talent by letting his greed run ram...
Doc Daneeka
Doc Daneeka, Yossarian's friend and flight surgeon, is marked by his complaining. His tagline is "you think you've got problems. Well I" blah blah blah. His so-called problems are pretty tame compa...