The Catcher in the Rye Character Quotes
MoreThe Catcher in the Rye Character Quotes
Holden Caulfield Quotes
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Oh, Holden. We can’t make up our mind between feeling sorry for him and telling him to just get a grip already. The problem? All he wants to do is...
Phoebe Caulfield Quotes
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Phoebe—according to Holden—is not only the smartest kid ever, but also best dancer ever, and the most sympathetic listener ever, and the funniest...
Mr. Antolini Quotes
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Let's just cut right to the chase. Does Mr. Antolini come on to Holden? The answer is … it's not clear. There are definitely some hints that somethi...
Mr. Spencer Quotes
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Mr. Spencer is old. And gross. (Well, apparently those two are basically the same thing to Holden.) Check out our introduction to this poor guy:The mi...
Sunny Quotes
First things first: we're almost positive that "Sunny" isn't this girl's real name. She's the prostitute the elevator man pimps out to Holden, and when we first meet her we're all excited that we'r...
Mrs. Morrow Quotes
An attractive woman and a classmate's mother who Holden meets on the train. He spins some entertaining lies for her benefit, including a fake name of "Rudolf" and having a brain tumor. Holden also...
Faith Cavendish Quotes
A "friend" of Eddie Birdsell. She likes to have a good time, if you know what we mean.