Church and State Questions
There's more than one right answer.
- What exactly do the religion clauses of the First Amendment protect?
- What do they not protect?
- What forms of aid to religious schools has the Court allowed?
- Has the Court developed workable and appropriate criteria for evaluating public aid to religious schools?
- What forms of religious conduct has the Court refused to grant protection under the free exercise clause of the First Amendment?
- Has the Court developed workable and appropriate criteria for evaluating religious conduct?
- Is the Court’s distinction between belief and conduct legitimate?
- Are the Court’s rulings on the two clauses of the First Amendment consistent with one another?
- Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?
- What do the facts about origins of the Bill of Rights say about the "founding fathers"?
- Do the circumstances of its origins affect the importance of the Bill of Rights?
- Why is the doctrine of incorporation so important?
- Did the Court rule properly on school vouchers?
- With which Supreme Court decisions do you disagree? Why?
- Which clause of the First Amendment was threatened during the Schiavo episode—the free exercise clause or the establishment clause?
- Do Americans properly understand the meaning of the First Amendment?
- Do Americans have an accurate understanding of the separation of church and state?