City of Bones Chapter 19 Quotes

City of Bones Chapter 19 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

"It's their job, Clary," [Simon] said gently. "Fighting demons--it's what they do. Not what you do." (19.104)

Having a duty gives the Shadowhunters a purpose, and Clary feels lost without a purpose of her own. No wonder she jumps on their bandwagon so quickly. And wanting to get her mother back didn't hurt the cause either.

Jace Wayland

Quote 2

"I may not believe in sin," [Jace] said, "but I do feel guilt. We Shadowhunters live by a code, and that code isn't flexible: Honor, fault, penance, those are real to us, and they have nothing to do with religion and everything to do with who we are. This is who I am, Clary." (19.122)

Jace's job defines him. Talk about a workaholic.