Civil Rights Movement: Desegregation
Current Events & Pop Culture
Available to teachers only as part of the Teaching Civil Rights Movement: Desegregation Teacher Pass
Teaching Civil Rights Movement: Desegregation Teacher Pass includes:
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- Current Events & Pop Culture articles
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Sample of Current Events & Pop Culture
Fascism Abroad, Racism at Home
A Washington Post article from May 2004 discusses the discrimination that African-American war veterans, who helped to fight fascism overseas, encountered upon returning after their service in World War II.
“African American newspapers of the time called it the ‘Double V Campaign.’ And although the victory over the Axis powers was complete, the results of the second struggle were decidedly mixed. The nation's unparalleled need for troops gave thousands of African American soldiers, including many in noncombat service units, the chance to prove their mettle in battle and put to rest the assertion by military brass that blacks lacked the courage, discipline and intelligence to fight effectively. But black soldiers generally received few medals for their accomplishments. They were kept in segregated units, made to sit behind German prisoners of war during USO concerts and banished from the very streets they had liberated once white nurses moved in.”