Book of Exodus Figures
Meet the Cast
Moses is the star of the Exodus show. Without him, the whole production falls apart, and we just end up with a golden-calf-worshipping extravaganza. That might be fun for a theme party, but it just...
If you're curious about God, Exodus is the book for you. More than anywhere else in the Bible—Hebrew Bible or New Testament—we get a real close-up on God. And boy is he an odd duck. Sometimes h...
The Pharaohs
Oh, Pharaoh. Oops—let us rephrase. Oh, Pharaohs.That's right. There are two main Pharaohs in Exodus. The first one appears during Moses's childhood and adolescence, and the second one gets hit by...
The Israelites
Would You Like Some Manna With That Whine?The Israelites sure are a crabby bunch. Sure, it was pretty tough going for them, but man, does it take a long time—and a lot of complaining—to get the...
Zipporah? We hardly know her-ah!Okay, just had to get that out of our system.Zipporah is Moses's wife. And given the lack of home-life information we have on Moses, you'd think this lady would be a...
Moses's brother is a smooth talker. How do we know? Well, God appoints him as the official communicator in Moses's dealings with Pharaoh (4:14-16). Sounds like a good system, right? One guy does th...
Minor Characters
Jethro (Reuel)Reuel, also called Jethro, is Moses' father-in-law. When Moses saves his daughters from aggressive shepherds, he invites Moses over for dinner and gives him his daughter Zipporah as a...