Click on a theme for more quotes from Calvin Coolidge's Inaugural Address.
Wealth Quotes
Already we have sufficiently rearranged our domestic affairs so that confidence has returned, business has revived, and we appear to be entering an era of prosperity which is gradually reaching int...
Visions of America Quotes
Because of what America is and what America has done, a firmer courage, a higher hope, inspires the heart of all humanity (1.7).
Religion Quotes
But if we wish to continue to be distinctively American, we must continue to make that term comprehensive enough to embrace the legitimate desires of a civilized and enlightened people determined i...
Foreignness and "The Other" Quotes
Realizing that we cannot live unto ourselves alone, we have contributed of our resources and our counsel to the relief of the suffering and the settlement of the disputes among the European nations...
Politics Quotes
Since its very outset, it has been found necessary to conduct our Government by means of political parties. That system would not have survived from generation to generation if it had not been fund...