Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from I Am the Cheese.
Identity Quotes
He had stepped outside himself, departed, gone from this place and was outside looking in, watching himself [...] And he thought, "If I can step outside myself like this, maybe I can go to other pl...
Memory and The Past Quotes
I'm not sure. What I mean is, I don't know whether I actually heard the words or if I'm filling them in now, like blank spaces on a piece of paper you have to complete (2.6)
Versions of Reality Quotes
It's hazy – just a series of impressions. (2.1)
Isolation Quotes
He wondered what secrets [his mother] harbored, what dark knowledge she kept hidden within her. Is this what made her sad, what kept her in her room during the day, closeted in the house all the ti...
Lies and Deceit Quotes
"[...] And you don't even know who to trust anymore. Do you know who the bad guys are?" [...] "Of course you don't. Because you can't tell the good guys from the bad guys anymore. Nobody knows thes...
Family Quotes
"Jesus," his father said and Adam wasn't certain whether his father was swearing or praying. (22.30)
Fear Quotes
I look over my shoulder but there's no one following. (1.3)
Suffering Quotes
I keep pedaling despite the weariness and the pain [... ] "Take it easy," I tell myself. "Take it easy. One mile at a time." (1.14-15)