Invisible Man Narrator Quotes


Quote 49

You right, but everything that looks good ain't necessarily good. (13.23)

We like interpreting this platitude from the yam vendor as presaging what happens with the Brotherhood.


Quote 50

Brother, This is advice from a friend who has been watching you closely. Do not go too fast. Keep working for the people but remember that you are one of us and do not forget if you get too big they will cut you down. You are from the South and you know that this is a white man's world. So take a friendly advice and go easy so that you can keep on helping the colored people. They do not want you to go too fast and will cut you down if you do. Be smart…(18.2 – 18.3)

This anonymous message generates new significance when we learn at the very end of the novel that it's from Brother Jack, who is white. This is just another example of the ways that race is used as a manipulative tool in this novel.


Quote 51

I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me. (Prologue.1)

This suggests that people are capable of seeing the narrator, but that they choose not to.