Legislative Branch (Congress)
Discussion and Essay Questions
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Sample of Discussion and Essay Questions
- Why did James Madison call Congress "the first branch" of government?
- Why is it significant that Congress is described in Article I of the Constitution?
- Do you consider Congress still "first among equals"?
- If not, which branch is?
- Why couldn’t the framers of the Constitution copy the British form of bicameralism?
- How democratic is the representational scheme of the Senate?
- How fair is the representational scheme of the Senate?
- Should it be revised?
- Why or why not?
- The framers agreed to grant all states equal representation in the Senate in order to appease the small states. How can this decision be philosophically defended?
- Do these arguments stand up today?
- Why or why not?
- Why did the large states agree to this representation scheme in 1787?
- Would the small states have enough clout to block an attempt to restructure the Senate today? Explain.
- The House was designed to be the people’s chamber—the scale of representation was fairly small (1:30,000) and the framers expected a high turnover in House membership. But today, the scale of representation is roughly 1:700,000 and turnover is very low. Is this a problem?
- How might the House be made more responsive to the public?
- Could the scale of representation be reduced?
- Could something be done to increase turnover?
- Term limits—i.e., no more than three terms for any member—have been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Therefore, there would need to be a constitutional amendment in order to enact them at the federal level. If it could be done, would it be worth it?
- Would the House be more responsive to the voters?
- Would this unfairly deny voters the right to re-elect an effective representative?
- How would term limits impact the operations of the House?
- How might term limits impact the role of lobbyists?
- Would they become more or less influential? Explain.
- The filibuster is one of the unique features of the Senate—on what principle is it based?
- Should one member have this much power? Why or why not?
- Filibustering has increased in frequency. During the 1960s, there were, on average, seven filibusters per term. Since 2000, the Senate has averaged 49 filibusters per term. In 2007-08, there were more than 100. In the 2013-14 term there were over 250.
- Why do you suppose senators filibuster more frequently?
- Is this a problem? Why or why not?
- How does this rising use of the filibuster affect the work of the Senate?
- A filibuster can be broken through a cloture vote of 60 senators. In other words, major legislation now needs 60 votes, not just 51.
- Is this a problem? Why or why not?
- Is this consistent with the intentions of the framers? Explain.
- Explain the difference between the three types of powers granted to Congress: express, implied, and inherent.
- Which tend to be the most controversial and why?
- Which expressed powers of Congress seem the most important and why?
- What are the implied powers of Congress?
- What is the “necessary and proper” or “elastic” clause?
- Is this clause necessary or dangerous? Explain.
- Without an elastic clause, how would Congress be able to adapt to changing times?
- Is the amendment process sufficient for addressing unanticipated needs?
- Why or why not?
- What are the limits of the elastic clause? Just how elastic should it be?
- Who gets to define the limits of the elastic clause?
- Is this reasonable? Why or why not?
- Would you consider yourself a strict or broad constructionist? Explain.
- What basic philosophy or fear underlies each of these positions?
- Why has the trend over the centuries been toward broad constructionalism?
- Has this been demanded by the times?
- Have those in power pushed for more?
- Have the people demanded more from government?
- Have the states been unable to address public needs?
- Explain your answer.
- Do the provisions regarding the election of the president in the House seem appropriate to you? Why or why not?
- Why was the House, rather than the Senate, given the authority to select the president if no candidate receives the necessary number of Electoral College votes?
- What potential problems do you see in granting this power to the House?
- What sorts of states gain influence under this method? (Note: each state’s delegation receives one vote regardless of size.)
- Why not just hold a second election?
- Is the list of impeachable offenses long enough? Explain.
- Should incompetence be an impeachable offense? Why or why not?
- Should Congress be allowed to impeach a president for policy differences? Why or why not?
- How would increasing Congress’s impeachment powers affect the relationship between the branches?
- Would this be good or bad?
- Would government become more or less effective?
- More or less efficient?
- Explain.