Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Light in August.
Race Quotes
She is a Yankee. Her folks come down here in the Reconstruction, to stir up the n*****s. Two of them got killed doing it. They say she is still mixed up with n*****s. Visits them when they are sick...
Memory and the Past Quotes
The dark was filled with the voices, myriad, out of all time that he had known, as though all the past was a flat pattern. And going on, tomorrow night, all the tomorrows, to be a part of the flat...
Fate and Free Will Quotes
It was as if he couldn't get religion and that galloping cavalry and his dead grandfather shot from the galloping horse untangled from each other, even in the pulpit. And that he could not untangle...
Society and Class Quotes
Man knows so little about his fellows. (2.39)
Religion Quotes
It was as if he couldn't get religion and that galloping cavalry and his dead grandfather shot from the galloping horse untangled from each other, even in the pulpit. And that he could not untangle...
Foreignness and 'the Other' Quotes
Man knows so little about his fellows. (2.39)
Gender Quotes
Because the town believed that the ladies knew the truth, since it believed that bad women can be fooled by badness, since they have to spend some of their time not being suspicious. But that no go...