Medea Resources



This page provides a good overview of Aristotle's thoughts on tragedy. It's interesting to consider how Medea fits and also breaks Aristotle's definition of a tragedy.

Euripides's Biography

A great bio on Euripides from

Movie or TV Productions

Medea, 2005

A modernized version for TV.

Medea, 1988

Directed for TV by revolutionary director Lars von Trier.

Medea (1983)

A TV version starring the famous Zoe Caldwell.

Medea, 1969

Starring opera star Maria Callas.

Historical Documents

Full Text of the Play

Here's a link to a translation of the play. It's not the one we used, but it may be interesting to compare.

Aristotle's Poetics

Read what Aristotle had to say about tragedy.


Judith Anderson

Check out Judith Anderson as Medea.

Zoe Caldwell

Here's Zoe Caldwell in the title role.

Maria Callas

The opera star plays the tortured Medea. The full movie is available on YouTube in 12 parts.


A Classic Portrait

Here's a famous painting of Medea.

A Modern Interpretation

Check out this creepy modern painting of Medea.

A Recent Revival

Here's picture of the renowned Fiona Shaw playing Medea.