The Mill on the Floss Resources


Masterpiece Theater Daniel Deronda Site

Though this site is devoted to another George Eliot novel, it has a fantastic biography of Eliot and links to other Eliot resources.

George Eliot in Coventry and Warwick

A BBC travel site that has information about Eliot’s connections to these two towns. Includes lots of photographs and historical background.

George Eliot on Victorian Web

This site gives a good overview of Eliot’s life and works and contains information about her historical context.

Women in the Literary Marketplace

Run out of Cornell University, this website gives a good introduction to women authors in nineteenth-century England. It has sections on Eliot and Charlotte Brontë, and contains historical detail about publishing and women authors in this era.

Masterpiece Theater: The Mill on the Floss

Website for the 1997 production of the Mill on the Floss.

George Eliot Online Biography

Good comprehensive biography of Eliot with a number of pictures.

Movie or TV Productions

The Mill on the Floss, 1997

BBC production of The Mill on the Floss that aired on Masterpiece Theater.

The Mill on the Floss, 1978

A British TV miniseries.

George Eliot: A Scandalous Life

A 2002 documentary about George Eliot.


Clip from George Eliot: A Scandalous Life

Clip from a documentary about Eliot’s life, made by the BBC.

1997 Mill on the Floss Clip

Clip from the 1997 production. In this scene, young Maggie cuts off her hair with Tom’s help.


The full text of The Mill on the Floss at Project Gutenberg.


South Farm

Eliot’s Birthplace

George Eliot Portrait

1865 portrait of George Eliot painted by Frederick William Burton.

George Henry Lewes

1876 woodcut image of George Henry Lewes, Eliot's long-time lover.

Griff House

This house was the basis for Dorlcote Mill