Mockingjay Chapter 18 Quotes

Mockingjay Chapter 18 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 4

"Squad Four-Five-One, you have been selected for a special mission," he begins. I bite the inside of my lip, hoping against hope that it's to assassinate Snow. "We have numerous sharpshooters, but rather a dearth of camera crews. Therefore, we've handpicked the eight of you to be what we call our 'Star Squad.' You will be the faces of the invasion." (18.56)

Sometimes admiration can have negative consequences. What Katniss and the other people on her team really want is to be at the heart of the action – to use their skills and really make a difference in the fight. Paradoxically, because they could be so effective, they're pulled away from the real action and reduced to a media-related force.

"That's how they tortured her in the Capitol. Soaked her and then used electric shocks," says Haymitch. "In the Block she had some kind of flashback. Panicked, didn't know where she was. She's back under sedation." Finnick and I just stand there, as if we've lost the ability to respond. I think of the way Johanna never showers. How she forced herself into the rain like it was acid that day. I had attributed her misery to the morphling withdrawal. (18.33)

The book  constantly reminds us of all the sacrifices people associated with the rebels have made, or are in the process of making. Johanna made tremendous ones, all off-screen – we just hear about them after the fact. Regardless, they've permanently damaged her. Can you imagine what it's like to emerge from torture sessions afraid of plain water?