Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Le Morte D'Arthur.
Betrayal Quotes
"But I fele by thy wordis that thou haste agreed to the deth of my persone: and therefore thou art a traytoure – but I wyte the lesse, for my sistir Morgan le Fay by hir false crauftis made the t...
Loyalty Quotes
Alle the comyns cryed at ones, "We wille have Arthur unto our kyng. We wille put hym no more in delay, for we all see that it is Goddes wille that he shalle be our kynge – and who that holdeth ag...
Revenge (or Vengeance) Quotes
But Kynge Pellynore bare the wyte of the dethe of Kynge Lott, wherefore Sir Gawain revenged the deth of hys fadir the tenthe yere aftir he was made knyght, and slew Kynge Pellynore hys owne hondis....
Identity Quotes
"This nyght ye shalle lye with Igrayne in the castel of Tyntagyll; and ye shalle be lyke the duke her husband." (5.8-9)
Love Quotes
So whan the duke and his wyf were comyn unto the Kynge, by the meanes of grete lordes they were accorded bothe. The kynge lyked and loved this lady wel, and he made them grete chere oute of mesure...
Rules and Order Quotes
Thenne they avysed the Kynge to send for the duke and his wyf by a grete charge: "And yf he wille not come at your somons, thenne may ye do your best; thenne have ye cause to make myghty were uppon...
Tradition and Customs Quotes
They dud nothynge but the olde custom of thys castell; and tolde hym that hir lady was syke and had leyne many yeres, and she myght nat be hole but yf she had bloode in a sylver dysshe full, of a c...
Strength and Skill Quotes
"I am seke for angre and for love of fayre Igrayne, that I may not be hool." "Wel, my lord," said Syre Ulfius, "I shal seke Merlin and he shalle do yow remedy, that youre herte shal be pleasyd." (4...