The Passionate Shepherd to His Love Analysis

Symbols, Imagery, Wordplay

Form and Meter

If "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" was one of the earlier poems you read in school, we're betting your teacher chose it because it's a great example of regular rhyme and meter. In this case,...


The title tells us the speaker is a passionate shepherd trying to woo his lover, presumably a woman, to live with him in the countryside. But Marlowe didn't title the poem, so even though this coul...


We've said it before, and we'll say it again: "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" is a poem set in the countryside, and not just any old countryside at that. This poem is a pastoral poem, which m...

Sound Check

You know The Meadow Run? It's that thing in the movies, where two lovers, long separated, suddenly spy each other across a large, open expanse of grass and flowers and can't help but sprint towards...

What's Up With the Title?

At first glance, not much. "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" seems to be a pretty bland and unimaginative description of what goes on in the poem, particularly when you contrast the straightfor...

Calling Card

Christopher Marlowe died at the ripe old age of twenty-nine years old, which didn't give him a particularly lengthy career as an author. He was also more focused on drama than on poetry, so that ma...


There are lots of things that make this poem a walk in the park: it's relatively short, the meter is regular, the phrasing is simple, and there aren't lots of fancy allusions, obscure metaphors, or...


A 1995 version of Shakespeare's Richard III (set in an alternative fascist England) "covered" Marlowe's poem and turned it into a swanky nightclub tune. Christopher Marlowe was a member of Corpus C...

Steaminess Rating

It seems our frisky shepherd has nothing but honorable intentions: he just wants a little company while he explores nature, listens to tunes, and pulls gold shoe buckles out of thin air. But while...